At Complete Skin Cancer Clinics, we specialise in
Early detection, diagnosis & treatment of skin cancer

Complete Skin Check
An early Melanoma detection program for new patients that enables our practitioners to give the most comprehensive and ‘complete’ service when it comes to early skin cancer detection.

Spot Checks &
Skin Checks
Get a thorough examination of your skin or a quick and focused examination of specific moles or lesions. Conducted by our qualified doctors and highly trained nurses.

Diagnosis &
Complete Skin Cancer Care diagnostic and treatment services include biopsies, cryotherapy, topical treatments, photodynamic therapy and excisions.
Thorough and innovative care for our community
All medical staff are highly trained in the field of skin cancer. Our nurses undergo official training in Dermoscopy, and our doctors have additional qualifications in Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery.
All diagnosis and management of skin cancers is done at our clinic. We provide long term follow up for all patients.
Find us at these Peninsula locations
1300 MOLECHECK (1300 665 324)